Welcome to Shabbington Parish Council

Here to serve the local community and our parishioners.

Contact Us

Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be on Monday 13th January 2025 at 7.30pm in the Village Hut

Parish Councillors

The Parish Council was elected in May 2021 and there are five elected Parish Councillors who have been elected for a period of four years.

The Councillors are Richard Hall (Chairman), Angie Kirkwood-Lalanne (Vice Chairman), Miriam Boswell, Maria Millan and John Coates.

The Parish Clerk is Helen Spurgeon.

We are always delighted to see parishioners at meetings. If you would like to get in touch with us please contact us using the contact form or you can reach us in one of the following ways:

Write to our mailing address: 41 Giffard Way, Long Crendon, Buckinghamshire, HP18 9DN.

We are here to help.

We have been elected to serve everyone in the community and to represent their interests while prudently managing parish assets and services, providing quality services within a strict budget.

Agendas and minutes of meetings will be published here, together with adopted policies and processes.

The Parish Council is committed to transparency in all its dealings and welcomes questions and comments, either in person at meetings, by appointment with councillors, or by phone or email or post. 

Parish Councillors’ Contact Details:

Richard Hall, Chairman: 07710 627762

Angie Kirkwood-Lalanne, Vice Chairman: 07894 208207
Miriam Boswell: 01844 201304
Maria Millan: 01844 201293

John Coates: 07842 343472

PC Agenda & Minutes

Parish Council Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month, with the exception of February, August and December starting at 7.30pm in the Village Hut.

Financial Information


Shabbington Parish Council is not the responsible Authority for planning matters, applications are determined by Buckinghamshire Council Aylesbury Vale Area and the PC is consulted. We can support/object/remain neutral and always respond to consultations following discussion and debate at our PC meetings, taking into account the views of parishioners and representations made to us.

If you wish to make a comment on a planning application please do so on Buckinghamshire Council's website here:

Find a Planning Application

Contact us

You can contact us by post, email, telephone or by submitting the form below. We will reply to your message as soon as possible. 

Aerial photographs by Christian Walker

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